
Post-Op Prattle

Under the knife and out the other side.

So, I have undergone the surgery, and now I'm recovering slowly, bed-ridden and drug-filled. That may sound fun, but it's really more necessary than anything else. This morning I found out what can happen if I let the drugs in my system lapse, even due to something as necessary as sleep. Owwwww, dammit. I will be doing my best to make sure THAT doesn't happen again. I've been blessed with having a great nurse through this - LampLover is taking fantastic care of me (though she won't put on a little skimpy nurse's outfit while she is doing it...was worth a shot). She is staying with me and brought lots of movies to help entertain me while I'm stuck horizontal. The Cheat was really nice and bought me a movie to help entertain me while I'm out of commission as well - Wedding Crashers is part of my movie collection now.

I was going to attempt a return to work on Thursday, but that idea has been nixed. The return may happen Friday, but I'm going to wait and see how I feel tomorrow afternoon. I can't imagine sitting at work for 8 hours right now, even on pain meds...I just don't think it will happen. Friday is looking a tad doubtful too, but it's at least worth pondering. Any hours I can save would be nice, since I'd like to have SOME sort of personal time left in my cache by this summer.


Monkey Love and Painful Procedures

Let me start by saying this - Valentine's Day is not one of my favorite days. A lot of people seem to think that "romantics" (or whatever comparable labels we're given) would be a natural match with a day devoted to love. Not true, in my book. I'm more of a belief that every day should be devoted to love. Why just one day? And why the expectations of flowers, dinner, candy and other gifts? I'd much rather give small tokens of my love and express myself throughout the year than have one day devoted to it. Actually, and it's a cliched joke, Hallmark, FTD and the other big profiteers of the day are the one who perpetuate it, I think.

Anyway, I still feel an obligation to make sure my beloved LampLover knows I love her, and to take the time to express it in a way that *I* like. Dinner out a nice restaurant would have been nice...and a bit better of a present would have been good too. However, I don't really have the money right now - one reason why will follow this recap - and so I'm left to devise more creative activities. Luckily, LL is good with the imagination as well, and she suggested a little frozen chinese food buffet (from the cold depths of my freezer - prepackaged and pretty much ready to go) and I threw in the idea of a movie, and we were off. It was a quiet little romantic meal...we exchanged gifts just before - LL gave me a great framed picture of the two of us from New Years Eve and I gave her a little basket of bath items to pamper her with - and then enjoyed the food and the company (though not the movie really....FYI, The Corpse Bride is a bit sub-par). Other activities of the evening will remain on a need to know basis. It was a very enjoyable day, despite it's over commercialism on the whole.

Now, some of you don't know, so I will share. My out of shape gut managed to let down it's defenses a bit last fall when I was moving into my current digs, and lo and behold - out protruded a small hernia. I've put it off for some time, because it's really just a bit of a nuisance, and not particularly painful. But, during my last visit to my doctor, I decided to have him check it out. Yep, he said. Hernia it is, and you need to get it worked on - call this fella, he's good...handed me a reference. Being the speedy guy I am, I followed up on said reference about 3-4 weeks later. The Referred Doctor took a look at it. Yep, he said. Hernia it is, and you need to get it worked on. Not today or tomorrow or anything...but pretty soon. No more than a month or so from now. Ugh. So, I scheduled the surgery, and that was about two weeks ago. My surgery is upcoming this next Tuesday. So, wish me luck...good thoughts, etc., etc. It's not a particularly difficult surgery, I've been told, and it's an outpatient procedure, and I'll be back in the very bed I get out of the morning of my surgery later that afternoon, but I'm still a bit nervous. Guess I'm chicken. Oh well. Good mojo is requested, none the nevermind.

Oh - and the Olympics are on. Good hockey. Actually, VERY good hockey. Catch some if you can - the best in the game are on display.

Monkey - out.


Unmarked Cars are Watching My Neighbors Dog...

Finally, a respite in the work. It's been crazy at work, and because of that I haven't wanted to be in front of a computer unless I'm at work. Therefore - very little blogging. Which was probably for the best anyway, as most stories about work are pretty boring.

Outside of the work world, things have been going great (he says, knocking on wood). LampLover and I are coming up on our 11th monthiversary towards the end of the month, meaning just a little over a month before the big landmark. We're very excited about it and speaking for myself, I'm really looking forward to the next one, and one after that, etc., etc. I've never been so excited about my future with a person before.

*mush mush mush*

I know. But now you're past it, so don't you feel better?

This weekend should be a good time. A couple of days away from work is always nice, but when you can have a gathering with friends, eat good foods and drink some Shiner...well that just makes the weekend all that more enjoyable. Of course, it's the big Super Bowl weekend upon us, so LL and I will be taking a friend up on an invite for a small gathering to include a cookout and access to a kegerator full of Brown Liquid Goodness (a.k.a. Shiner). My dearest girl is not a fan of football, but hopefully with all the commercials and camaraderie and Shiner, it will help her get through the ordeal. To be honest, even as a football fan, this is the biggest let-down of a SuperBowl in about a decade. I mean really...Pittsburgh and Seattle?? Who cares??? Well, aside from the citizens of Pittsburgh and Seattle...and do they even? *shrug* Hopefully I'll be wrong and it'll be a good game.

**Here's where the credits would be if you were watching a movie.**