
A Poultry Affair....

I, chicken, take you,game hen... Posted by Picasa

The scene above was from this past Saturday's party held for LampLover. LL celebrated taking another round trip on this fun rock we call Earth, and so I pulled together a little soiree for our guest of honor. We had a lot of good drink (enough so that many of us had a very rough Sunday). Our meals even got in the action a bit - the Drunken Chicken above (compliments of BurntoutZen) are sitting on some mighty uncomfortable chairs, if you look closely. But, what was a tight fit for them ended up as a fine marinating/roasting method for us. The birds came out quite tasty (thanks Zen) and along with the little snacks we had, left everyone very happy, I think.

LL opened presents and then had an unfortunate meeting with her nemesis, Vodka. She had sworn it off for quite some time, but decided that for her birthday she was going to attempt making her beverage of choice the official drink of James Bond - vodka martini (shaken, not stirred). After a few hours and 3-4 martinis, LL was all smiles and quite droopy eyed. She made it an early evening and cashed in her chips near 11pm.

The rest of the party continued bravely on (bless our souls), and in the early hours of the morning, I closed the door to Chez WM on the last party goer leaving (and locked in the couple crashing on my couches) and crashed.

The morning did not dawn gently. It rolled in around noon and invited a loud percussion section...and punched me in the gut several times. I'll spare the gory details, but needless to say I was not a happy camper. Almost 31, and acting like I was almost 21. Ugh. No wonder I don't do the all night drinking thing very often....

But, big picture - FANTASTICALLY fun party with lots of great friends...and Lisa had a good time (despite being sad that she crashed early and had to miss out on visiting with friends and mingling. She was feeling a bit guilty the next morning about it, but we assured her that friends understand and the Birthday Girl makes the rules.

Besides, there will be a chance to make up for mingling with friends and enjoying food and drink when WM takes it to Austin for his 31st this coming weekend. More on that to come...

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