The Greeblepix contest for this month is up, and I've once again to submit a picture of the cutest little boy in the world (this determination is an independent conclusion, with no influence from any biased parties). How can you NOT think he's just adorable, ya know? Anyway - real post coming later today. I'm such a slacker...
OMG. Those eyes are HUGE!
I just want to sit and have dinner with him! yum!
Thank you both for the comments! I'm obviously very partial to the little guy... He is QUITE the dinner companion, monstergirlee, let me tell you. As long as you don't mind him sharing little bits of it occasionally.
nutmeg - that's one feature we hope he doesn't lose. Big Browns...
What a cutie!
How are you ever going to say "no" to him?
you were robbed. again.
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