
Post-game Debriefing

First off - great game today. The Patriots bested the Colts in a nail-biter. The Pats won by 4 points, and I'm sure it's not the last time we'll see them.

There was a great turn out for the game - lots of fun New England folks at the bar. I bought a tower of beer for the group, but not enough people helped me to consume it. I need to go, because otherwise I can't work on the sobering that needs to happen in the next 10 hours. Good night to all!!


Anonymous said...

A tower of Beer? I'm intreaged.

Anonymous said...

You should be, it's a thing of beauty.

Anonymous said...

Oops, forgot to sign that one.

OneCoolMonkey said...

Tower of beer = awesome in a tube. If you haven't experienced it, you should. (BTW, you need at least 2 friends in most places, because they won't serve less than that when there's that much beer on the line). Totally worth it.

Anonymous said...

OK, What bar do I find this tube of Awesome in?