
Labor Dabor Day - The Weekend

Still alive here. Just not much updating lately due to a few things.
  1. LampLover is on break from Chiropractic College, so I'm cramming in lots of one-on-one time with her.
  2. Getting the last of LL's unclaimed items from her house.
  3. A new fitness regime (oh, GOODBYE BIG FAT FLABBY GUT)
  4. More of the same at the Grindstone (AKA, work).
That's what life's like right now though.

Last weekend, LL and I got the office all set up and it's a much more comfortable place to write. There's still some work to be done (a trip to IKEA and trip to Spencer's or something for some wall art will round out the room). I'm quite proud of my little entertainment set up. I can go from writing, to surfing the net, to watching a DVD, to playing a video game, to lounging in bed all in the span of 5 minutes and 10 feet. RAWK.

College friends are in town this weekend, and I'm beyond excited about this. For a few faithful readers of this blog, you will know A & E from their postings in the comments (and from the trail of the dead). They're only in town for one night, but if memory recalls, that's about the length of time it takes for us to have a story that will last for years. So, if anyone needs me for the weekend, I will be veldt-ing around town, looking for a Denny's that takes reservations for stuffed animals. I wonder if A will have E on a leash this weekend. *sigh* That was very 1995...I'm sure this weekend will have whole new twists. Will be sure to let you all know.

That's it for now.

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