
I Found My Thrill...

I have slacked, and I repent. Two weeks without an update...eek. I told myself I wouldn't let that happen, and have doing good at avoiding a situation like that, for the most part. But, apparently I have slipped.

In my defense, there hasn't been a lot in the way of news in ye olde WiredMonkey's camp. My weeks have been filled with lots of work, dealing with a couple minor crisises....crisi? I'll go with crisises. I had a battery go out on me one night while returning movies to Blockbuster. The Cheat seemed to think it was my alternator, since I was having belt troubles in my truck (squealing like a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs), and I feared he was right. Luckily, it seems to have just been a bad battery, and after spending $50 on a new one, I'm right as rain once again. That was the biggest thing I guess in the last couple weeks.

This past weekend was LampLover and my three-month anniversary. Or, monthiversary as she is fond of saying. Being the resourceful monkey that I am, I came across a story in the newspaper the weekend before this last one that talked about blueberry farms in east Texas. I thought to myself, "that'd be fun to do for our monthiversary next weekend." Well, when I called to find out what LL thought of it, she said she had seen the same article and was excited about it too. So, our road trip was born. Over the course of the week, we added some new ideas, such as brunch at Humperdink's and a picnic lunch to take with us (since it was an 80 mile drive to get there, and it was in the middle of nowhere, we didn't think there'd be a good lunch spot...besides, picnics are kinda romantic).

We drove out Sunday morning, after a late start. The heat in Texas has been oppressive of late; this weekend was no different. As excited as I was about spending time with my sweetie while raking in a good crop of blueberries, standing out in the 100-degree heat for 2 hours was NOT on my list of fun to-do's. But, it would be worth it, I figured. We had little trouble locating Blueberry Hill Farms, the place we had decided to do our picking. The store was a quaint farmhouse-style building with a couple acres of berries on the backside of the unit where people could walk as they please, picking berries. The article and website had suggested bringing long pants and a hat, along with water, lunches and sunscreen...I highly recommend the sunscreen, water, food and maybe even that hat. But forget the pants, man...what are you nuts? June & July in Texas are NO time for pants...shorts all the way. I was glad I wore them.

LL & I had a great time...we picked about 4lbs. of blueberries, and are going to make lots of fun foods with them this week. Tonight, I'm gonna go home and just plow through them a bit all by themselves. Yum!


Jerilyn said...

Wow...your monthiversary is WAAAAAY close to my monthiversary with Blue Vertigo.....ours is the 21st....what day is yours?

OneCoolMonkey said...

It was on Sunday...the 26th...