This is my departed friend, Millie. She was a good cat for 18 years. Here's hoping she finds happiness in the next world.

I said goodbye to someone who has been with me since I was 12 years old today. I've had Millie since I was 12 years old - one of my oldest friends, if one considers pets to be friends. I'm one of those people who does. They aren't able to comfort in the same way a human friend can, and they can't console you with words. But, they can sometimes sense when you're upset before a human friend is able. And they always find a way to get around the words and find the way right to your heart.
Pardon my sappiness for a moment, but I feel it is due. She was there for me when I didn't have a friend around. When I was living on my own, striking out and finding my way after college, she was there. Moving to Texas and starting my life over from scratch, Millie was one of the pieces of my past who followed. And, when that life fell apart and I needed someone to talk to - she always listened. Friends like that are tough to find, and 9 times out of 10, they can be pets.
So - if you knew her or if you didn't - raise a toast to Millie and wish her well in the beyond. She led a long, adventure-filled life and I hope it's just the beginning of her wonderful journey.
I'll toast to a wonderful cat, who was still a kitten for a lot of her life. I remember when she was palm-sized and introduced to your home..how she and Teak learned to get along...and how at some of the times you're talking about--like in that run-down no furniture apartment in portland--we'd be talking on the phone and she'd jump in and sit on your lap or cause some kind of mischief. 18 years is a long time. I'm glad you had her and that she had you.
Oooooo. Poor Benny! So sorry to hear about Millie's passing. Hug yourself on the had for me since it's hard to do from 1000 miles away and without a stepladder.
WOW. I typoed like mad.
It was supposed to just say 'hug yourself for me'.
Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts and postings. I'm sad to lose her, but towards the end she was really not a very well kitty. It's better that she's in a good place now. Chasing Teak around and giving her all kinds of endless grief, no doubt.
Jess - you do know her best out of all my friends I think...sad, huh? She has a beautiful resting spot in a park near me now though...there are rabbits, squirrels and birds all about and kids playing in park nearby...it's very serene and lovely. I think she would approve...and probably chase everything but the kids. :P
Thanks for the hugs A.... I appreciate all the great support I've gotten from friends and also from photon, who I didn't even know and was kind enough to leave condolences...rock on photon! ;)
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