I always seem to daydream about a new computer system...most of the systems I dream about tend to be quite out of reach. Because, hey, if you're going to daydream about a computer, you might as well make it one of the coolest systems you can get. Besides, if you do actually purchase said system, it starts it's journey to Obsolete City as soon as you escort it from it's shipping box.
Well, that being said, I've found my new computer. At least, what I would *LIKE* to have as my new computer (contributions, anyone? anyone? ...Bueller?). Check out the (relatively) new Apple Mini. They have packed quite a system into this little critter, and it comes with most everything you need, aside from a monitor...heck, I can find one of them. :P The system I've designed on their site gives me a 1.42 GHz PowerPC G4 machine with 512mb RAM, 80GB HD, Wireless Airport Extreme (802.11G) card, keyboard and mouse (Mac makes cool ones) and it still comes in quite a bit under $800. That's IMPRESSIVE for Apple!
Aside from daydreaming about computers, I've been a busy little beaver moving. I got all of my stuff from storage this last weekend and am once again reunited with all my stuff (one fluffy little pooch aside...Hunter is still on vacation at my old place...THANKS C & L!) and moving it in was LOTS of fun. Thank goodness I had a great deal of help from BurntoutZen and Lamp Lover. I would have been up a particular creek without a means of propulsion trying to move a sleeper sofa on my own, if you get my drift. But, with their assistance, I got it all in...only to have The Cheat come back from Michigan with all HIS stuff on Tuesday....UGH! So, currently, the Pad is bit of mess. But, on the plus side there is plenty of stuff there. We will have to christen the Pad with a good party in the near future....tentative date is about 2 weeks from now. Yay!
Happy Trails Millie....

This is my departed friend, Millie. She was a good cat for 18 years. Here's hoping she finds happiness in the next world.

I said goodbye to someone who has been with me since I was 12 years old today. I've had Millie since I was 12 years old - one of my oldest friends, if one considers pets to be friends. I'm one of those people who does. They aren't able to comfort in the same way a human friend can, and they can't console you with words. But, they can sometimes sense when you're upset before a human friend is able. And they always find a way to get around the words and find the way right to your heart.
Pardon my sappiness for a moment, but I feel it is due. She was there for me when I didn't have a friend around. When I was living on my own, striking out and finding my way after college, she was there. Moving to Texas and starting my life over from scratch, Millie was one of the pieces of my past who followed. And, when that life fell apart and I needed someone to talk to - she always listened. Friends like that are tough to find, and 9 times out of 10, they can be pets.
So - if you knew her or if you didn't - raise a toast to Millie and wish her well in the beyond. She led a long, adventure-filled life and I hope it's just the beginning of her wonderful journey.
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