

So, I figure if I'm gonna do this, I'm going to do it right.

Overhaul the beeeyotch, as it were. So, I've made wholesale changes to this thought-holdin' machine. As you can see on your left-hand side, there's new information that will tell you all 'bout little old me. There are many out there I'm sure that are convinced I won't be able to update THAT information any more reliably than I updated the main content of my blog over the past year, and I guess I'll just have to try and prove them wrong. They very well could be quite accurate. I'll do my best, though, and that's all I can do.

I look at other blogs and stand in amazement at the faithfulness of their postings and the beauty of their formats. There are several out there worth seeing. Email me if you really want to know some...or leave comments and I'll send them to ya. I won't bother putting them in here tonight cause I'm really lazy. And it is late. Time to turn this monkey in....or out. Wow...that sounded vaguely like simmean prostitution...

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