
Razonia and I just returned from our vacation in Key West. It was an excellent vacation and we got lots of rest and relaxation with a heavy emphasis on relaxation. We stayed with my father and stepmom, which was great because we hadn't all been together since Razonia and I's wedding. I saw dad last summer for a Jimmy Buffet concert, but Razonia hadn't seen either of them and I hadn't seen Margo since the wedding, which was two years ago next month. Anyway, while we were visiting, we went to Fantasy Fest, which was NOT an accident, by the way. Wow, was it nuts! The photographic evidence of the chaotic, rambunctious partying may be seen on my moblog page. Other than a big swollen elbow during the entire trip, it was a perfect visit. Yeah...somehow I may have gotten bursitis in my elbow, but no one can ever figure it out. But, it's mostly better now thanks to a few meds and lots of the afformentioned rest and relaxation.

Lessee....oh yeah, I got a new wireless card for my laptop tonight, finally. So far it sucks. I'm about 20 feet from the router, and it fluctuates between Very Low reception and Very Good. But, with no reliability, of course. Ugh. Avoid D-Link. I tried calling their tech support line, and it HANGS UP ON YOU. Yay D-Link. Bunch of buggery bastards.....*sigh* Okay....that's it for now.

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